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The effectiveness of our psychometric tool is proven. Learn how to interpret your results and level up your coaching approach.
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What if, at the age of 52, Guy Bélanger hadn’t decided to hang up his hat as a businessman and become a professional coach?
What if, as a young university student, Jasmine Bélanger hadn’t asked her father to don his coach’s hat to help her tap into her true nature?
It is thanks to these pivotal life moments—like shining stars that light the way and change the course of events—that Nova Global is here today.
Guy and Jasmine Bélanger live in Switzerland. Guy, an entrepreneur with a passion for business, has always felt a deep desire to help others. He decides to switch careers and become a coach, developing psychometric tools allowing him to channel his natural compassion to be of service.
At his daughter Jasmine’s request, he draws up her personality profile, and the results are a revelation. She decides she wants to share this life-changing experience with as many people as possible. She has found her calling. The father-daughter duo returns to Canada, driven by their shared ambition.
Swissnova is founded in Quebec to distribute psychometric tools in Canada. The company teams up with a coaching and management school, marking the beginning of a key partnership.
Jasmine takes over as head of the family business.
Swissnova launches its own psychometric tool: the Nova Profile. The need is real. The solution is highly effective. New markets open up, and a period of impressive growth begins for the company.
Swissnova changes its name to Nova Global and adopts a new brand image more aligned with its true nature. The ever-evolving Nova Profile remains as the company’s trademark.
The Swissnova brand is launched.
How do you take a successful company and make it even better? By doing things your way! The company analyzes all psychometric tools on the market and lists the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Practising what it preaches to clients, Swissnova embarks on a path of self-reflection, analyzing its business model, values and core mission. A process of transformation begins.
Embodying your leadership with authenticity involves fully assuming your uniqueness with completeness and courage. It is also about committing to taking action in order to contribute, through your influence and commitment, to the desired change. Authenticity also means naming your truth despite the fear of judgment.
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